
How to Survive Nursing School in Ohio


How to Survive Nursing School in Ohio

Anyone who’s been to nursing school, knows someone who graduated, or has a friend currently going through the experience will be able to tell you that nursing school is not easy, but it is exceptionally rewarding. Nursing school is a stress-filled, caffeine driven, haze of chaos, and while it’s worth every minute, you also need to know how to survive it. There are countless tips and advice from other nursing students on how to survive nursing school, but everyone has to find their own rhythm. However, everyone knows there are a few fundamental survival tricks that remain the same for every nursing school in Ohio.

Push Your Limits Every Day

Students who show their teacher the curiosity and passion they feel towards improving as a nurse will definitely succeed; passion and curiosity are not easily taught, and students who pursue knowledge relentlessly are invaluable in the nursing field. While you may not always feel up to being the best person possible, you should make an effort to show the teacher you care. Sitting at the front of the class, asking questions, participating in discussions, and behaving respectfully are all attitudes that will make you stand out as an excellent student. Instructors see the students interested in learning, and they will take note of who you are. If you can prove to the professor that you are willing and capable, they may think of you the next time a job opportunity rolls around. In addition, the more positive contacts you build, the more outlets for assistance you have. If you’re stuck with a difficult question and need guidance, you will have more options to choose from when it comes to people you trust.

Take Control of Your Education

Remember, you are in charge of your own education; don’t let other people’s opinions hold you back from possible opportunities. On the same subject, there are no wrong questions. If you have a doubt or blank space in your mind, ask the question you need to clarify it. Develop your curiosity by finding out the why. If you can understand the why behind the procedure, you can figure out ways to improve the field and possibly impress your future boss. In addition, concepts can be easier to understand than seemingly unrelated steps. By understanding the deeper meaning behind procedures, you can further your own education and give your brain a rest from the constant memorization. Nurses have to remember, comprehend, and calculate huge amounts of information every day. As you’re dealing with the challenges and struggles of nursing school, train yourself to expect the unexpected; you won’t always be able to control what goes right or wrong in a day. Flexibility is an essential survival skill for training and registered nurses alike.

At the end of the day, your education is in your own hands. You have to be the one to persevere, manage your time, and get enough sleep every night. There is no easy way to survive nursing school. However, if you can show your professors and classmates the dedication, curiosity, and ingenuity you possess, you will be able to create a better base to grow your nursing career. The more friends and allies you make now, the more opportunities you may find later in life.


Felbry College is among the best Columbus Nursing Schools, offering a diverse faculty, accelerated programs, and close network of alumni to help you survive and flourish as you begin your nursing career.

Contact Felbry Admissions to apply!
